This is a unique system generated sequence number for the account type. It can be entered in popup-lists that ask for an account type.
This is a list of all expense types already defined. Press <Command-K> to create a new one. Contlol clicking this list will show a contextual menu.
This is the E-mail address of the account-holder.
This is the fax-number of the account-holder.
This is the telephone number of the account-holder.
Enter the address of the account-holder here.
If the account holder has a VAT registration nr., enter that number here. This information will be used in a future release of WhereDidAllMyMoneyGo?
Here comes the first name of the Account-Holder
Enter the name of the Account-Holder here. Please enter a unique name!
This is a list of all Transactions, ordered by transaction date (newest first). You can scroll trough this list using the up- and down-arrow. Press Command-K to create a new Transaction.
This is a list of all Currencies. You can scroll trough this list using the up- and down-arrow. Press Command-K to create a Currency!
This is a list of all Accounts. You can scroll trough this list using the up- and down-arrow. Press Command-K to create a newAccount! Control-clicking this list will show a contextual menu.
This is a list of all Account Types. You can scroll trough this list using the up- and down-arrow. Press Command-K to create a new account type. Control-clicking this list will show a contextual menu.
This is a list of all account owners. You can scroll trough this list using the up- and down-arrow. Press Command-K to create a new owner. Control-clicking this list will show a contextual menu.
This Graph shows your income and expenses over time. Income is drawn in green, expenses in red.
This Graph shows how rich you are. Its value is calculated as 'Money + Assets -Liabilities'
This Graph shows the total amount of money on 'Liability' accounts. You owe this money to someone else.
This Graph shows the total amount of money on 'Asset' accounts. (Accounts having an account type with master-type 'Asset')
This Graph shows the total amount of money on 'Own Property' accounts.
This is the main window of WhereDidAllYourMoneyGo? Move the mouse over the different parts of the window to learn more on their meaning. All amounts are in your local currency!